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A Thousand Days of Night


Alex Trueman's fourth great adventure is about to hit the virtual bookshelves and this story is truly different to all his previous engaging excursions into time and space. Readers who have followed Alex from the beginning will note his increasing maturity, his increasing confidence when faced with the various powers of the universe, both benign and malign. In this adventure he must test himself to the utmost limits in order to avoid catastrophe. He continues to explore the bounds of his very special abilities but also of his friendships in this world and in others. I'm looking for ARC readers for this book but I recognise that few are likely to wish to plunge into a series at book number four! I guess I'm really addressing that small (but enlightened) community of those who have already met Alex and followed him on his journey. If that's you, and you wish to be amongst the first to read this new book, do let me know!

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